Dr. Steve Eom,General Secretary of the EWCmrd, and I, Dr. Timothy Park, President of EWCmrd, visited Bangladesh, Bhutan, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Macao from April 17 to May 8 to help facilitate the Asian missionary movement of the churches in the countries we visited. On May 15 to 24, I also visited Jordan and Egypt. We thank God for the fruitful ministries.

As a result of our Asian visits, about 10 Bangladesh Christians made a commitment to become cross-cultural missionaries and the first phase of founding the Bangladesh Missions Connection was started thru forming connections with several missions and church leaders in Bangladesh. Then after several months of meetings and confirmations among Bangladesh church and mission leaders, the first mission conference was held and the first mission agency was organized in the history of the Bangladesh Church and missions. We also visited the Kingdom of Bhutan to help facilitate the missionary movement of the Bhutanese Church. We met several Bhutanese Christian leaders and challenged them to launch a missionary movement among Bhutanese churches as soon as possible.

In Chiangmai Thailand, a board for East-West Center for Missions Research and Development was formed to help facilitate the missionary movement of Southeast Asian countries. I met and mentored leaders of the Karen Bible School and I spoke at the Dream Church of Chiang Mai. In Hong Kong, I made two presentations (“Today’s Missionary Training: Western Experience” and “Today’s Missionary Training: Korea Experience”) at a mission conference hosted by Alliance Bible Seminary of Hong Kong. Many Christian leaders from the mainland China and Hong Kong attended this conference. It was very encouraging that Chinese churches in China and outside China are involved in missionary work. In Macao, I met a missionary couple from Korea (both missionaries are Fuller students) and heard from them how God has used them in Macao and China. I preached at the church (Macao Korean Church) they have served.

In Egypt, I spoke at the joint worship service with Egyptian leaders and Korean missionaries and Korean residents in Egypt, celebrating Sarah Shinsook Kim’s 40th anniversary of her mission work in Egypt. I also spoke to GMS missionaries in the Middle East. In Jordan, I spoke to Iraqui refugees in Amman, Jordan and delivered a keynote speech at a mission forum “Refugees and Mission” and Korean missionaries in Jordan at a separate event. I had a wonderful fellowship with the leaders of the Association of Evangelical Churches in Jordan. One of the leaders attended AMA Incheon Convention in 2013.

Our visits confirmed our belief that the Holy Spirit has been strengthening the Asian churches and mobilizing Asian missions. I remembered the apostle Paul in the Book of Acts on how he visited the churches from Corinth to Philippi, Macedonia to Asia. He had seen the growth and movement of the people thru the power of the Holy Spirit and his good example. May our present ministry thru East West Center in Asia and beyond be also a venue to see the workings of the Holy Spirit and may we be humbled how the Lord will use our lives to encourage many in the field of missions.

Timothy K. Park
President, East-West Center for Missions Research & Development