Asian Missions Advance #1 (January, 1978)
1. Take a Good Look at Asia (David J. Cho)
2. The Problem of Dialogue in the Third World (Samuel I. Kim)
3. Contrast in Church Growth (Donald McGavran)
4. Enlarge… Stretch Forth… Spare Not (Theodore Williams)
Asian Missions Advance #2 (March, 1978)
1. Solidarity of the Third World Leadership (David J. Cho)
2. Ambiguity, Theology and Church Growth (Donald McGavran)
3. A Report of Chinese and Western Leadership Seminar (Philip Teng)
4. What Will Asia DoWith the Challange of the Bibleless Tribes (Ronald L. Trail)
Asian Missions Advance #3 (May, 1978)
1. “Opportunities… Now” Missionary Call From Kalimantan (Philip Teng)
2. Innovation of Financial Structure (David J. Cho)
3. Untested Missionary Potential of Third World Church (Samuel I. Kim)
Asian Missions Advance #4 & 5 (July & September, 1978)
1. Mutual Confidence and Reciprocal, Structure (David J. Cho)
2. Indian Rights in Latin America (Dale W. Kietzman)
3. The Nature and Purpose of a “Frontier Missions” Center (Ralph D. Winter)
Asian Missions Advance #6 (January, 1979)
1. How to Develop Asian Leadership for Mission (David J. Cho)
2. Cross-fertilization of Newly Emerging Mission Forces (G. D. James)
3. Response to Cross-fertilization of Newly Emerging Mission Forces (Edwin L. (Jack) Frizen, Jr.)
4. How to Cooperate Among Asian Misson Agencies (Minoru Okuyam)
5. Prospective of Solidarity of A. A. A. Leadership (Panya Baba)
Asian Missions Advance #7 (March, 1979)
1. Nineteen Eightieth Coming a New Decade of Chaos (David J. Cho)
2. Ghana’s Three Children Face the Crisis (Ralph D. Winter)
3. Emerging Missions (Theodore Williams)
Asian Missions Advance #8 (May, 1979)
1. Social Context and the Christian Text (David J. Cho)
2. The role and Strategy of a Missions’ Association (Ernest Oliver)
3. A Strategy for Third World Missions (Orlando E. Costas)
Asian Missions Advance #9 (July, 1979)
1. Seven Issues in Asian Theological Education (Bong Rin Ro)
2. Changes in Contemporary China and Their Implivations for the Christian Church (Jonathan Chae)
3. Paul and the Regions Beyond (Ralph D. Winter)
Asian Missions Advance #10 (September, 1979)
1. Mission and Evangelization (David J. Cho)
2. An International Missions Commission (Waldron Scott)
3. World Consultation Takes Shape (Saphir Athyal)
4. Edinburgh 1980 (World Consultation on Frontier Missions)
5. A Nation to nation Christian Mission in Asia (United Missions to Nepal)
6. Regional News
Asian Missions Advance #11 (November, 1979)
1. A Warning to China Rush (David J. Cho)
2. Major Aspects of Life in China (David Chen)
3. Experience of the Church in China 1807-1949 (Stephen P. H. Li)
4. News From China
Asian Missions Advance #12 & 13 (January & March, 1980)
1. The Crisis of Leadership (Philip Teng)
2. 1980: The Need for a World Level Conference of Missions (Ralph D. Winter)
3. The Clade II Letter (Congreso Latinoamericano De Evangelization)
4. 1980’s Decade of Dangers (John Paul)
5. A New Year-and a New Decade (Asia Christian Communications Fellowship )
6. Regional News
Asian Missions Advance #14 (May, 1980)
1. Contemporary Growth of Korean Missions (David J. Cho)
2. Three Factors for Sound Growth of newly Emerging Missions (Harold S. Shin)
3. The Role of Korean Church in the development of Third World Missions (Samuel I. Kim)
4. Prayer, Programs, and Progress of Asian Center for Theological Studies (Chul Ha Han)
5. News From Korea
6. Regional News
Asian Missions Advance #15 & 16 (July & September, 1980)
1. Understanding Religious Decrees of the Indonesian Government (David J. Cho)
2. An Evaluation of the Missionary Movement on Indonesia (Petros Octavianus)
3. The World Consultation on Frontier Missions: The Context of Edinburgh 1980 (Ralph D. Winter)
4. A field report from West Kalimantan (Yasuo Atsumi)
5. Newsgramme
6. Regional News
Asian Missions Advance #17 (November, 1980)
1. Emergency Call for United Global Evangelism (Donald McGavran)
2. Missiological Publishing in the Third World: A Complaint a Proposal a Plea (Roger E. Hedlund)
3. Inter-denominational Mission: Key Dimensions (B. Jeyaraj)
4. A Profile of Christian Mission in India (Theodore Williams)
5. Implications of Mission Run School in India Today (R. R. Cunville)
6. Regional News
Asian Missions Advance #18 (January, 1981)
1. New Missions Encounters in the Eighties (David J. Cho)
2. America’s Foreign Missions Begin to Wither (Donald McGavran)
3. The Day of the Cradle for Japanese Missions (Minoru Okuyama)
4. North America’s Leading Missions Journal Goes “International”
5. Integral Mission: What’s It All About? (Melba Padilla Maggay)
6. China: A Church in Flux
7. Regional News: Japan
8. Edinburgh ’80- Epilogue
Asian Missions Advance #19 (March, 1981)
1. India’s Missions-Rising to the Challenge (Theodore Williams)
2. How to Cooperate Chinese and Western Leadership (Philip Teng)
3. The United Voice of Latin American Evangelicals
4. Mission and Second Coming of Christ (Peter Beyerhaus)
Asian Missions Advance #20 (May, 1981)
1. Integration in Missions- Can It Work? (Petros Octavianus)
2. Resolutions Adopted at the Third National Christian Conference of China (Nanjing: October 13, 1980)
3. Western Missions in Thailand and a New Impetus (Boonsri Glinhawm)
Asian Missions Advance #21 & 22 (September, 1981)
1. Why the New Wine in the Old Wineskins? (David J. Cho)
2. Interdependence: Working with the Third World Church (W. Harold Fuller)
3. Brazil Awakens to World Missions (Jonathan Santos)
Asian Missions Advance #23 (November 1981)
1. The Mission of God (Harold Hong Shik Shin)
2. Priority on Using Vernacular Bible Translations in Mission (Eui Jung Kim)
3. The Need for Effective Evangelism and Missionary Outreach – In View of Christian Communications (Son Kyu Park)
Asian Missions Advance #24 & 25 (March, 1982)
1. Encouragement Needed for Newly Emerging Missions (Harold Hong Shik Shin)
2. The Three-self Speaks – An Analysis of an International Conference (Jonathan Chao)
3. Church and Missions: Relationship with the Sponsoring Churches (B. Jeyeraj)
Asian Missions Advance #26 (June, 1983)
1. De-Westernizing the Asian Church and Renovation of Missions Structures (David J. Cho)
2. The Future of the World and the Remaining Task of Mission (Ralph D. Winter)
3. The 1982 Asian Commitment to Christian Missions
4. Liberation Theology and Evangelical Forces for Mission (Pablo B. Perez)
5. Christianity in Korean Culture – An Excerpt – (Won Sul Lee)
Asian Missions Advance #27 (August, 1990)
1. A Call to Support the AMC ’90 (P. Octavianus)
2. Cooperation Between the Church and the Para-church (M. Okuyama)
3. The Need of Asian Missionaries Dialogue (Eun Moo Lee)
4. A Call to Cooperation Among the Third World Churches in Mission Research (Young Joong Cho)
5. The Role of Missionaries by the Year 2000 (D. Kietzman)
6. How to Run a Mission Society (I) (R. Winter)
7. Letter to AMA From AMC ’90 Leaders
8. Historic Documents of AMA
Asian Missions Advance #28 (January, 1991)
1. A Historical Overview of the Asian Missions Association
2. Why Third World Missionaries Can be the New Force in World Mission (Donald Smith)
3. Criticism of Western Mission (Marlin Nelson)
4. How to Run a Mission Society (II) (R. Winter)
5. The Report of the General Council Meeting of the Third World Missions Association (TWMA)
Asian Missions Advance #29 (June, 1991)
1. A Historical Event (Minoru Okuyama)
2. Area for Our Joint Labor (Petros Octavianus)
3. Missionary Training in Asia (Abraham Philip)
4. The Report of the AMA Convention Planning Committee (Young Joong Cho)
5. The Why & How of the Mutual Fund for Third World Mission Advance (David J. Cho)
6. Capital Generation Structure for Strategic Global Ministries TWMA Mutual Fund Commission (Charles Wickman)
7. Report of the TWMA Education Commission (Dale Kietzman)
8. AMA Convention Schedule & Information
Asian Missions Advance #30 (December, 1991)
1. Local Churches and World Missions (Minoru Okuyama)
2. Let Us Set the Goal to be Achieved (David J. Cho)
3. The Task of Asia (Ebenezer Sunder Raj)
4. Why Should a Fellowship of Asian Missionaries be Formed? (Eun Moo Lee)
5. Mission Research in Asia (Iman Santoso)
6. Third World Missions: Too Weak to Do the Job? (Donald Smith)
7. When Prophets Get Out of Touch (Dale Kietzman)
8. News From the Regions
Asian Missions Advance #31 (December, 1993)
1. The World Toward the Year 2000 and Evangelism (Won Sul Lee)
2. Toward a Philosophy of Training for Third World Missions Association (Dale W. Kietzman)
3. How to Cooperate Among Asian Missionaries (Arabinda Dey)
4. Mobilizing Asian Missionaries (Met Castillo)
5. News From the Regions