Editorial: Proclaiming the Unchanging Word in the Changing World
Timothy K. Park, Editor
Although the world we live in is constantly changing, the word of God never changes. How to proclaim the unchanging word of God in our ever-changing world is the task of the Church here on earth. In this 54th issue of Asian Missions Advance, Asian missions leaders have written on how to communicate the gospel in a changing world. I believe it will benefit the reader to pay attention to each author of the articles…. [read more]
Missions in a Broken World
H. Daniel Kim
Yes, it is true that we as missionaries are doing missions in a broken world. Not just a mildly broken world, but a profoundly and utterly broken world. Everywhere you look, there are signs that the world is fractured and human beings are deeply hurting. …[read more]
Two Greats in the Bible: How the Great Commandment Encompasses the Great Commission
Takaaki Hara
There are two Greats in the Bible that Christians, particularly those of the evangelical persuasion, regularly refer to: the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. As Douglas Small says, “The Great Commission is proclamation—what we tell them. But the Great Commandment is incarnation—what they see in our lives.” …[read more]
Understanding House Church Movements: Insights From “Kingdom Kernels: 4 Stages of a Movement”
David S. Lim
What is the best way to understand and catalyze House Church Movements (HCM) or Church Planting Movements (CPM)? Recently, I have found a very helpful article to explain how and why HCMs work. It is “Kingdom Kernels: 4 Stages of a Movement” by Steve Smith, Neill Mims & Mark Stevens, published in Mission Frontiers 37:6…[read more]
Virtual Church and Mission
Steve Kyeongseop Eom
Sociologists and futurists say that the changes the human race have had for the past 100 years, are equivalent to the changes in the ten thousand years before that. Furthermore, the changes we are about to face in 20 years will be greater than that of the past one hundred years (Choi 2013: 104-105). …[read more]
Worship and Missions
Benjamin R. Baclagon
Jesus was on a mission. He had gone to the land of the Samaritans. “He had to go through Samaria.” (John 4:4) Why? He was seeking out this lonely Samaritan woman, in need of salvation, needing to know who Jesus was. By verses 13-15 of John 4, the Lord had presented to this woman her need of eternal life. …[read more]
National Report: Thailand
Prawate Khid-arn
Thailand means “land of freedom”, one of the South East Asian “Tigers”. Never colonized, in the 19th century, it negotiated land for freedom to keep out of the clutches of Western colonialism. Religion in Thailand is varied. There is no official state religion in the Thai constitution, which guarantees religious freedom for all Thai citizens…[read more]