Asian Missions Advance, #74

January 2022 / 74th


[Roland M. Octavianus, Theresya M. Leiwakabessy]

Christian service starts with the assumption that the world in which we live is basically good because God made it and sustains it. Nowadays, the world is changing very fast and due to factors such as globalization, political issues, the rapid social cultural changes, and the recent years due to corona virus disease, the world hits with pandemic issues, increasing challenges to mission in limited access and context. Christian individuals like us, as well as institutions, agencies, churches, and para-churches, need to have a biblical understanding of what it means to be brothers and sisters in the family of God in doing His missions. Hopefully this understanding will lead to partnerships to fulfill God’s “Great Commission” to the sharing of resources as well as collaborative efforts. For this article to be in the 74th issue of Asian Missions Advance bulletin, is also considered to be a testimony of mission partnership…