Editorial: Calling, Faithfulness, and Prayer
Timothy K. Park
Hebrews 3:1-2 “Therefore holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest, whom we confess. He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house.”
Our God is a missionary. God can work independently, but works in cooperation with His people for the coming of His kingdom and for the accomplishment of His will, (Ex. 3:7-10) The writer of the Book of Hebrews wrote, “Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.”(Heb. 3:1)…
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The Restoration of The Whole Gospel and The Contemporary Reformation
Hyun-Jin Kim
The year 2017 celebrated the 500th year anniversary of the Reformation. How can the spirit of the Reformation be restored in the Church of Korea which has become secularized and lost its life? The Reformation inspires us to return to the fundamentals of the gospel. We are going to look at the direction that a contemporary Reformation will need to go through an examination of what the whole gospel means…[read more]

Creative Access Mission – Indigenous Training in Chinese Church
H. Lewis Chau
According to Operation World edited by Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk, Asia is still the most populous and the least-evangelized area of the world (2001:39-41). Among the East Asian countries, more than 80 percent of the population resides in creative-access regions (Prescott 2001:3-4). “Creative-access regions” are countries where there is a political barrier to missionary entry and missionary service. These governments seek to prevent or restrict efforts at evangelization from foreign support; in particular, they deny entry to those identified as missionaries. However, although creative-access regions may be closed to traditional forms of mission, they are rarely closed to all foreigners…[read more]
Five Keys to Personal Support Raising
Steve Shadrach
IF YOU’VE SAID OR THOUGHT THESE WORDS, YOU’RE NOT ALONE. In Fact, most People living a donor-supported lifestyle will admit that, at one time or another, they’ve probably had feelings much like this. Growing up the son of a businessman, I was taught to work hard to achieve financial security on my own merits. But after coming to Christ, I felt a strong calling to full-time ministry that would require me to raise my personal support. I then faced the question, “Will I be obedient to the call I feel toward ministry, or will I turn my back on it because of what I perceive is an insurmountable obstacle of raising support?”…[read more]
Inter-Disciplinary and Integrative Missiological Research: The “What,” “Why” and “How”
Enoch Wan
This paper will begin with defining key terms, followed by explanation of the “what,” “why” and “how” of inter-disciplinary and integrative missiological research. Hopefully Christian scholars of multiple disciplines will collaborate in conducting research and Christian leaders will become better stewards of resources and opportunities by making informed decision based on validly collected data through research…[read more]
Frontiers Philippines
God’s work for us today is towards the many, large people’s groups who are still unengaged (a population where there is no viable, sustainable gospel witness in their midst) because very few are willing to go and proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Thirty five years ago, Frontiers became one of the first international organizations solely focused on sharing the love of Jesus to unengaged Muslims. Frontiers Philippines (started in 2002), currently has more than twenty five frontiers workers serving in Indonesia, Thailand, and Pakistan. We serve together with Filipino churches by mobilizing, training, sending, and equipping teams of ordinary men and women, with extraordinary passion for sharing God’s love to Muslims…[read more]
“God has been using the Korean church as flag bearers of the evangelism movement to reach out to the non-western areas. However, many missionaries, Christian workers and churches are facing barriers due to lack of sufficient mission education. East-West Center is providing the MEMOOC Program with a goal to provide highly accessible, fine quality online mission education. I hope that you will be able to join us in this endeavor through prayer and donation, and actively use memooc to address your missional ministry needs. Thank you.” …[read more]