Dr. Charles H Kim, DMin

- Missionary Movement
- Leadership for Missions
- Fuller Theological Seminary, D.Min. in Global Ministries
- Liberty University, Th. M. in Missiology
- Chong Shin Theological Seminary, M.Div.
- Managing Director of Global Mission Leadership Center
- Missionary for Asia, Thailand( EWC/GMS)
title of dissertation
“A Study on Influence of International Mission Conventions on the World Missionary Movement: With Special Reference to the Asia Missions Association”
Dr. Charles H. Kim served as a missions pastor in three churches in Korea and the U.S. He studied Missiology at Liberty Theological Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary. Now He is working for the East-West Center for Missions Research & Development in Chiang Mai, Thailand. His role is to equip, encourage and help leaders for Mission movement in each country in Asia.
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