Dr. David S. Lim, PhD

- New Testament, esp. Pauline theology
- Contemporary Theology & Ecumenics
- Contextual Theology & Inter-faith relations
- Asian cultures, esp. church & state issues
- Asian religions, esp. Buddhism, Chinese religions (Taoism, Confucianism, Budd, folk religion)
- Asian Church/Mission History, esp. Phil., China,
- Transformational/Holistic missiology
- Diaspora missiology
- Workplace Ministry – Tentmakers
- House Church Movements, esp. in Asia
- Insider Movements
- Most Outstanding Alumnus – Christian Ministry, West Negros University (Bacolod City) – awarded 2000.
- Transforming Communities: Biblical Concepts on Poverty and Social Justice. Manila: OMF Literature, 1992. (Out of print).
- How to Share Gospel Tracts. Manila: OMF Literature, 1992. (Out of print).
- Speaking in Tongues. Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1998.
- Christian Patriotism. Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1998.
- Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World, eds. David Lim & Steve Spaulding. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2003.
- Sharing Jesus Holistically With the Buddhist World, eds. David Lim & Steve Spaulding. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2004.
- Sharing Jesus Effectively in the Buddhist World, eds. David Lim & Steve Spaulding & Paul De Neui. Pasadena:William Carey Library, 2005.
- Communicating Christ in the Buddhist World, eds. Paul de Neui & David Lim. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2007.
- Christian Mission in Religious Pluralistic Society, eds. David S. Lim, Eiko Takamizawa and Daniel J. Kim. Seoul: East-West Center for Missions Research and Development, 2019.
Articles and Papers:
“Christianization Lessons from the Mission History in China.” In Paul de Neui (ed.). Emerging Faiths: Lessons from Mission History in Asia, 159-173. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
“The Challenge of Multiplying Disciples by Hybrids in Fulfilling Mission Dei.” In Sadiri Joy Tira & Juliet Lee Uytanlet (eds). A Hybrid World: Hybridity, Diaspora and Missio Dei, 31-42.
“Voices from the Global Evangelical Community,” with J. Samuel Escobar & D. Zac Niringiye. In Ronald Sider (ed.). The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump, 96-106. Eugene, OR:Wipf & Stock.
“Kingdomization through Oikos Church Networks of Insider Movements: A Biblical Missiology.” Asia Missions Advance 67 (April 2020).
“Children as a Mission Force in Insider Movements in the Buddhist World and Beyond.” Paper presented at SEANET Forum 18, January 6-10, 2020, Chiangmai – to be published 2021.
“Appreciating Rituals and Festivals from within Buddhist Christward Movements.” In Paul de Neui (ed.). Sacred Moments: Reflections on Buddhist Rites and Christian Rituals, 105-121. New Delhi: Christian World Imprints.
“Strategies of Mission Movements in Asia Today.” Missions and Vocations Journal 4.1 (March 2019): 16-19. Also in http://www.cmihk.org.hk.
“Contextualizing Kingdom Movements in a Religious Pluralistic World.” In David S. Lim, Eiko Takamizawa and Daniel J. Kim (eds). Christian Mission in Religious Pluralistic Society, 95-119. Seoul: East-West Center for Missions Research and Development.
“Jubilee Realized: Integral Mission of Asia’s House Church Networks in the Context of Religious Pluralism.” In Tearfund (ed.). Churches Doing Integral Mission. Oxford: Regnum.
“Kingdomization through Oikos Church Networks of Insider Movements: A Biblical Missiology.” AFMI/ASFM Bulletin No. 17: Proceedings of Asia Society of Frontier Mission 2019 (September 2019): 48-62.
“Korean Mission Challenges in the Philippines and Opportunities for Korean-Filipino Mission
Partnerships.” Asia Missions Advance 65 (October 2019), 31-32.
“Missions through Migrant Labor of Philippine Missions: Leading the Shift to ‘Kingdomization’ Missiology.” Paper presented at Asia Missions Association (AMA) 13thTriennial Convention, November 11-15, 2019, Chiangmai, Thailand – to be published 2020.
“Contextualization of Merit Making and Grace for Christward Movements in the Karmic World.” In Paul de Neui (ed.). Gift and Duty: Where Grace and Duty Meet. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 67-92.
“Sociology of the Philippine Roman Catholic Church in relation to Nominal Christianity.” Paper presented at the Lausanne Consultation on Nominal Christianity (Rome, Feb. 16-18, 2018) – to be published 2020.
“A Missiology of the Philippine Roman Catholic Church on Overcoming Nominal Christianity,” Asia Missions Advance 60 (July 2018). http://www.asiamissions.net/a-missiology-of-philippine-roman-catholicism-on-overcoming-nominal-christianity.
“Oikos Dynamics in the House Church Networks in Asia.” AFMI/ASFM Bulletin No. 15: Proceedings of Asia Society of Frontier Mission 2018 (October 2018): 67-81.
“Servant Leadership amidst Political Conflicts: A Personal Journey in Peacebuilding.” Paper presented at the Stott-Bediako Forum of Micah Global Conference (Tagaytay, Sept. 14-15) – to be published 2020.
“Transformational Mission in Fear Cultures in the Buddhist World and Beyond.” In Paul de Neui (ed.). Restored to Freedom from Fear, Guilt and Shame: Lessons for the Buddhist World. Pasadena: William Carey Library: 89-116.
“Transformational Missions Made Simple.” In Timothy K. Park & Steve K. Eom (eds.). Globalization and Mission. Seoul: East-West Center for Missions Research and Development: 173-193.
”Understanding House Church Movements: Insights from ‘Kingdom Kernels: 4 Stages of Movements.” Asian Missions Advance 54 (January 2017): 13-16.
“Effective Disciple-making Made Simple,” Compiled Documents and Reports of Urban CPM Summit 2017, Hyderabad, India (February 15-18, 2017): 57-58.
(Korean) “A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God as House (Oikos) Church Networks through Insider Movements.” Korean Journal of Frontier Missions 1.1 (July 2017): 235-264.
“God’s Kingdom as Oikos Church Networks: A Biblical Theology.” International Journal of
“Six Mission Paradigms of Church as Agent for Community Transformation.” Paper presented at 13th Asian Theological Seminary Theological Forum, March 2-3, 2017. (To be published 2020).
*“Strategic Missions Partnership with Churches for Christward Movements.” Asian Missions Advance 57 (October 2017): 2-6.
“A Servant-Church Model for Evangelization.” Missions and Vocations Journal 3.1 (2017): 20-22.
(Chinese) “A Servant-Church Model for Evangelization.” Missions and Vocations Journal, Issue 20 (September 2017): 12-13.
“Book Review: Eastern Voices, Vol. I: Insights, Perspectives, Visions from Kingdom Leaders in Asia.” Asian Missions Advance 57 (October 2017): 31-32.
(Brazilian/Portuguese) “Norway: the Best Model of a Transformed Nation Today.” Noruega: o melhor modelo de uma nação transformada hoje.
- 1974 – B.A. Psychology, University of St. La Salle, Bacolod City – Magna cum laude.
- 1977 – M. Div., Asian Theological Seminary, Quezon City.
- 1981 – Th.M.(N.T.), Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission (ACTS), Seoul, Korea. Thesis: The Concept of “the Church” in the New Testament and Its Implications for the Churches in the Philippines.
- 1978-1991. Faculty & Academic Dean, Asian Theological Seminary
- 1991-1992. Training Director, Center for Community Transformation
- 1992-1994. Assoc. Academic Dean, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
- 1994-present. President, China Ministries International–Philippines
- 1999-present. Professor & President, Asian School of Development and Cross-cultural Studies (ASDECS)
- 2011-2014. National Director, Philippine Missions Association (PMA).
title of dissertation
“The Servant Nature of the Church in the Pauline Corpus”
Ph.D. Theology (N.T.), Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, U.S.A
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