Dr. Hyungnam Chung, DMin

- Islam
- “Iraqi Christian Worship Service Community”(People Disrupted, William Carey Library, 2018)
- “이라크 난민 예배 공동체”(난민, 이주민, 탈북민에 대한 선교 책무, 두란노, 2018)
- “예루살렘 성전에 대한 트럼프 지지자들의 주장과 아라비아 최초 선교사 바울의 메시지” (ACTS 중동연구 제 2호, 2018)
- “사우디의 변화 아랍 기독교” (ACTS 중동연구 제 2호, 2018)
- “요르단의 이슬람과 기독교” (우리의 이웃인가? GMS/가리온, 2017)
- “예수의 재림 지점이 요르단 남부라는 주장(IHOP 대표 마이크 비클)과 그에 대한 응답” (ACTS 중동연구 제1호, 2017)
- “예루살렘 중심적 종교들과 새 예루살렘 중심적 기독교” (ACTS 중동연구 제1호, 2017)
- “사우디의 변화와 아랍권 선교” (KMQ, 2018)
- 이슬람과 메시아 왕국 이슈 (CLC, 2009)
- Fuller Theological Seminary(D.Min)
- ACTS(Th.M)
- Chongshin Theological Seminary(M.Div. equiv.)
- Hankook University of Forein Studies(B.A)
- Research professor of ACTS in Korea (2000-Now)
- Professor of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS) (1995-1996, 2014-2016)
- Pastor oof Iraqi Congregation f Jordan Evangelical churches (1995 -1997, 2005-Now)
- Pastor of Korean Church in Bahrain (1989-1992)
title of dissertation
“The Issue of the Messianic Kingdom in the Islamic Countries”
I majored in Intercultural Studies (M.A) and Missiology (Ph.D) in the US. Living there, I gained experience serving as a Youth Pastor and leading a Bible class for the congregation. Prior to that, I served for the Hui Muslim in China and I co-organized a Chinese training center, training and equipping the local people for the continual expansion of the Lord’s work in Malaysia. With the unique experiences gained from being a missionary and my passion for connecting with others, I aim to share my experience and, ultimately, guide others to share God’s Word.
dcmi publications
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