Dr. Jaewoo Jeong , PhD

- Culture
- Worldview
- Ancestor Worship
- Biblical Theology of Mission
- Communication
- 2019 Ancestor Worship and Gospel, Seoul, Korea: Coram Deo Pub.
- 2017 Ph.D., Concordia Theological Seminary, USA
- 2008 M.A., Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
- 2001 M.Div., Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong
- 1994 B.A., Economics, Yeung Nam University, South Korea
- 2018-present: Lecturer and trainer for missions in Asia, Adjunct professor at Evangelical College of Theology, India
- 2017: Youth pastor in a Korean Church in Toledo, USA
- 2010-2013: Trained and coached Chinese missionaries in preparing for a cross-cultural mission in Malaysia
- 2002-2005: Have served for the Hui Muslim in China
- 1997: Manager in a clothing shop in Bahrain (Business As Mission)
- 1995: Organized a mission department in Dongbu Presbyterian Church in Korea
title of dissertation
“The Study of the Post Conversion Worldview Allegiance Among Overseas Chinese Converts With A Special Reference To Ancestor Worship”
I majored in Intercultural Studies (M.A) and Missiology (Ph.D) in the US. Living there, I gained experience serving as a Youth Pastor and leading a Bible class for the congregation. Prior to that, I served for the Hui Muslim in China and I co-organized a Chinese training center, training and equipping the local people for the continual expansion of the Lord’s work in Malaysia. With the unique experiences gained from being a missionary and my passion for connecting with others, I aim to share my experience and, ultimately, guide others to share God’s Word.
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