Dr. Joshua Kim, PhD

- Mission Movement and Church Revival movement
- Mission and Church History
- Study of Dr.Ralph Winter & Two Structures Theory
- The 2013 Dissertation Dr.Ralph Winter award, William Carey International University.
- “Correlation the Pietism movement and Protestant Missionary Movement”, ESTI, 2018
- William Carey International University, Ph.D. in International Development Studies.
- Evangelical Theological Seminary, D.Min
- ACTS, MA in Missiology
- Fuller Theological Seminary, MA in Intercultural Study
- International Reformed Univesity/Seminary, M.Div.
- Evangelical Theological Seminary, BTh
- Missionay in Indonesia(Paul Mission International)
- Prof, Evangelical Theological Seminary in Indonesia
- Director, Paul Mission USA. Director, Academy of Mission North Korea
title of dissertation
“A Critical Evaluation of the Two Strutures Theory of Ralph Winter: With Sepecial Reference to the Paul Mission International and the Antioch Church and Missionary Pastor Dong Hee Lee Leadership Philosophy.”
I majored in Intercultural Studies (M.A) and Missiology (Ph.D) in the US. Living there, I gained experience serving as a Youth Pastor and leading a Bible class for the congregation. Prior to that, I served for the Hui Muslim in China and I co-organized a Chinese training center, training and equipping the local people for the continual expansion of the Lord’s work in Malaysia. With the unique experiences gained from being a missionary and my passion for connecting with others, I aim to share my experience and, ultimately, guide others to share God’s Word.
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