Dr. Hansung Kim, DMiss

- Mission of the Majority World
- Mission to Nepal
- Theological Education in the Majority World
- Mission History of the Korean church
- Best Researcher Award in 2021, ACTS, South Korea
- Excellent Research Award in2020, The Korean Society of Mission Studies, South Korea
- Best Faculty Award in 2018, ACTS, South Korea
- Best Researcher Award in 2017, ACTS, South Korea
- 한국교회와 네팔선교 (아세아연합신학대학교 출판부, 2017)
- D.Miss. Cook School of Intercultural Studies, Biola University, USA
- Missionary, Operation Mobilization
- Associate Professor, ACTS, South Korea
title of dissertation
“The internatipnalization of three Korean mission organizations”
Dr. Hansung Kim has taught at Asia Center for Theological Studies and Mission, South Korea since 2002. He was a missionary to South Asia with OM. He has published and translated books and contributed articles to various journals including Missiology, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, and Journal of Asian Mission.
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