Dr. Pervaiz Sultan, PhD

- Mission Theology and Practice
- Mission in Islamic Context (Islamic and Poverty)
- Theology and Preaching
- Theology and Postmodernity
Theses written for the award of degrees
- 1997. “The Involvement of the Church of Pakistan in Development: comparative case-study of Multan and Hyderabad Dioceses”. (Ph.D. Thesis)
- 1986 “Poverty in Pakistan- a challenge to Christian Ministry” (Westhill Certificate in Pastoral Studies, Birmingham, thesis)
- 1980 “Challenge of the Pir (Leader of Muslim Shrines) to the Pastor” (M. Div. thesis).
- “Islam and Modernity in Pakistan”, a 70-pages long article written for the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, Oxford (post- doctoral research on ‘Modernity and Mission’,1999)
Published Articles in International Magazines, Books and Dictionaries
- “Mission from the Perspective of a Pakistani Christian”, in CTC Bulletin April-August 2008, printed by Christian Conference of Asia-WCC, Thailand.
- “A Pakistani Christian’s Perspective on the Cross”, in Jesus and the Cross: Reflection of Christians from Islamic Contexts, edited by David Emmanuel Singh, Regnum Books, P.O. Box 70,
- Dictionary entry, “Poverty/Poor”, in The Dictionary of Mission Theology: 2007, Nottingham, IVP
- ‘Mission as Reconciliation’ E-magazine of Redcliffe College, Spring, 2007.
- “Healing the Nations: Mission and Development”, in Reconciling Mission: 2005, New Delhi, SPCKI
- “Small but Significant”, in Rethinking Mission, Summer 2004 (Magazine of the USPG, London)
- Doctor of Philosophy 1997 (UK)
- Certificate in Pastoral Studies 1985 (UK)
- Master of Divinity 1980 (Pakistan)
- Bachelor of Science 1975 (Pakistan)
- Pastor since 1980
- Religious Education Director Lahore Diocese 9 years
- Theological Educator (Professor of Mission and Theology at St. Thomas Theological College since 1989
- Principal of Theology College since 1995
title of dissertation
“The Role of the Church in Development: A critical analysis of the Mission practice of Multan and Hyderabad Diocese of the Church of Pakistan from 1970 to 1990”
Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/The Open University UK
dcmi publications
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