Dr. Seokwon Yoon, DMin & DMiss Candidate

- Mobilizing and Training
- Multicultural leadership
- Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min GM., D.Miss Candidate)
- ChongShin Theological Seminary(M.Div)
- All Nations Christian College(BA)
- WEC Cornerstone College(Dip)
- Missionary to Central Asia (WEC International)
- Missionary to South East Asia (WEC International Mission Mobilization)
title of dissertation
“A study on the relationship between the Hily Spirit in Roland Allen’s writings and mission from a position of the weakness with a reference to Kazakhstan”
Dr. Seokwon Yoon likes the quote from David Bosch. “God does not ask about the extent of our successes, however, we are asked about the depth of our commitment.” He believes that there is no formula for success in a mission. Rather, he believes in trusting the Holy Spirit who leads us to obey the call from God, participating in His mission, and remaining faithful to the calling.
In the past, Dr. Yoon served in central Asia as a church planter, and now he is involved in mobilizing and training South East Asian churches and missionary candidates.
Dr. Yoon graduated from All Nations Christian College in England, ChongShin Theological Seminary in Korea, and Fuller Theological Seminary in the States. He is serving the nations with WEC International together with his wife and three children.
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