Dr. Timothy K Park, PhD

- Mission History
- Cross-Cultural Church Planting
- Discipleship in Mission
- Outstanding Faculty, Fuller School of Intercultural Studies
- Alumnus of the Year, Chongshin University
- Missionary Movement of the Korean Church. Seoul: Institute for Asian Mission, 1999
- Mission Pathfinder: Korean Mission in the 21st Century, Institute for Asian Mission, 2001
- Global Partnership for World Mission (ed.), South Pasadena, CA: Institute for Asian Mission 2004
- Cross-Cultural Church Planting, Seoul: Korean Society for Reformed Faith & Action, 2005
- Global Mission and Korean Church (co-ed. with Winsuk Ma) South Pasadena, CA: Institute for Asian Mission, 2006
- Tracing the Apostolic Way of Mission (ed.), Seoul: Institute for Asian Mission, 2007 Asian Mission: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 2008
- Calling: Here I Am Send Me (Co-ed. with Wonsuk Ma), Seoul: Qumran, 2010
- Missionary Movement of the Non-Western Churches (Co-ed. with Steve K. Eom), Pasadena, CA: East-West Center for Missions Research and Development, 2011
- Mission History of Asian Churches (ed.), Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2011
- Asian Churches in Global Mission (Co-ed. with Eunmoo Lee), Seoul: East-West Center for Missions Research and Development, 2012
- Discipleship in Mission for tje 21st Century (Co-ed. with Steve K. Eom), Seoul: East-West Center for Missons Research and Development, 2014
- PhD Fuller Theological Seminary School of Intercultural Studies, 1991
- MA ICS Fuller Theological Seminary School of Inter-Cultural Studies, 1988
- ThM in Missology Asian Center for Theological Studies & Mission (ACTS), 1982
- MDiv (Equiv.) Chongshin Theological Seminary 1976
- BA (Equiv.) Chongshin University 1972
- Chaplain, Republic of Korea Army 1976-1979
- Missionary to the Philippines under Global Mission Society (GMS) 1981-1996
- Professor of Asian Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary School of Intercultural Studies 1996-2018
- Senior Professor of Asian Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary School of Intercultural Studies 2019-Present
- President, East-West Center for Missions Research and Mission 2004-Present
- President Emeritus, Asian Society of Missiology (ASM) 2009-Present
- Honorary Chairman, Asia Missions Association (AMA) 2016-Present
title of dissertation
“Two-Thirds World Mission on the Move: Missionary Movement of the Presbyterian Church in Korea”
Dr. Timothy Kiho Park served as a missionary to the Philippines under Global Mission Society for 15 years until he joined the faculty of the School of Intercultural Studies of Fuller Theological Seminary in 1996. He served Fuller for 22 years and 6 months as Professor of Asian Mission and Director of Korean Studies and Director of Global Connections at the School of Intercultural Studies. He also served Asian Society of Missiology (ASM) as Founding President from 2003 to 2009 and Asia Missions Association (AMA) as Head Chairman from 2010 to 2016. He has served and continues to serve East-West Center for Missions Research and Development as President since 2004. Though he has retired from Fuller Theological Seminary on December 32, 2018, he continues to serve Fuller as Senior Professor of Asian Mission. His passion is to help Asian churches become dynamic missionary churches for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
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