mr.missionThe Purpose and Inaugural History

In 2004, a number of Korean mission leaders and disciples of Dr. David J Cho, an advocate for missionary movement in the Two-Thirds World since 1960, gathered to commemorate his 80th birthday. These leaders and disciples were trained under his guidance and decided to establish a missiological institute that would advance his creative rationales of world missions to the coming generation. In order to recognize this purpose, the institute was named David Cho Missiological Institute. The bylaw of the institute was then drafted. On November 19, 2004, the board was formed and Dr. Cho was named as the General Director. Dr. Timothy K Park, a professor of Fuller School of World Mission, was appointed as the Executive Director of the institute. Dr. Hong Koo Park, CEO of the Pastoral Monthly of Korea named as the Director for Planning and Development of the Institute and the World Mission Museum.

Responsible Body

The Operation Board of Directors of the DCMI is the responsible body for deciding, controlling, and organizing the institute’s operation and activities, as well as setting the standards for achieving goals. There are no more than 24 members on the Operation Board.

Beliefs and Confessions

The Bible is the perfectly inspired word of God, written accurately without error and preserved to instruct in righteousness, faith, and action. This word of God as well as the common confession of the Apostolic faith and the Westminster Confession of Faith are the foundation of the work of the institute.


The institute relies substantially on membership fees of supporting organizations and donations of individual Christians, Christian organizations, and private foundations. The institute does not accept any support or aid from governments or politically related entities.

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